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Russia is the largest country in the world with a size of 17,125,191 km² . It’s population is an estimated 144 million people. Its capital is Moscow.
Russia stretches across Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. It borders Azerbaijan, China, Kazakhstan, North Korean, Georgia, Mongolia, Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Norway, Poland, and Ukraine (Wikipedia).
Russia’s economy is a centrally planned economy, however it is undergoing a transition into a free market economy.
Russia’s government is a federal dominant semi-presidential constitutional republic(Wikipedia). This means the government consists of a president, a prime minister and a cabinet. The power over the country is divided up between the national and local governments(Benz). In Russia the same party and officials are elected each year, and will be in the foreseeable future(Wikipedia). These officials are meant to be representatives of the people, and therefore do not control the law, but are controlled by the law (Consevapedia). Their president is Vladimir Putin and their Prime Minister is Dmitri Medwedew.

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